오브의 빛나는 별

[오늘의 보안동향] 익명의 방글라데시, 한국 정부부처 4곳에 DDoS 공격 주장 본문

오늘의 보안

[오늘의 보안동향] 익명의 방글라데시, 한국 정부부처 4곳에 DDoS 공격 주장

오브의 별 2023. 11. 29. 20:47

<2줄 요약>

- 'THE ANONYMOUS BD'로 알려진 방글라데시 출신의 해킹 그룹이 한국의 보건복지부, 과학기술정보통신부, 문화체육관광부, 외교부 대상으로 디도스 공격을 실행했다고 주장
- 1~2분 정도로 매우 짧은 기간 동안만 지속된 것으로 보이며 실제로 서비스에 영향을 미치지 않음




Anonymous Bangladesh Claims DDoS Attacks on 4 South Korean
Government Ministries The hacking group from Bangladesh, known as 'THE ANONYMOUS BD,' claims to have executed DDoS attacks on four South Korean government ministries. They claimed that the reason for the attacks was because the South Korean government supported Israel and the United States. The four South Korean government ministries they claimed to have conducted DDoS attacks on are the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW), the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT), the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (MCST), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). However, their attacks seem to have lasted only a very short period, around 1 to 2 minutes, and it seems like they didn't really affect the services.
